
The article analyzes the amount of services, provided by the enterprises of Lviv region. It is confirmed that the pandemic has negatively influenced the sphere development, but for medical industry, which has fast adapted to the situation by accumulating forces for its development. It is determined that in 2019-2020 the amount of fulfilled services reduced by 5%, whereas in the last five years, it increased by 26.4%. However, the amount of fulfilled serviced of professional, scientific and technical activities, increased twice, as well as the services of healthcare and social support. In 2019-2020, the amount of services fulfilled in the field of administrative and assistance increased 1.7 times; services fulfilled in the field of art, sport and recreation, as well as in the sphere of information and telecommunication – 1.6 times. The highest indices of the amount of services provided by the enterprises operating in the field of services in Lviv region were marked in 2018 and made UAH 40 420.0 million, whereas in 2015 the index was the lowest and made UAH 29 758.9 million. The author supplies analysis of the amount of fulfilled services by the kinds of economic activities in Lviv region in 2015-2020. The research substantiates the structure of the amount of fulfilled services by the kinds of economic activities in Lviv region and identifies that in the period from 2015 to 2020, the largest share was taken by transport, storage, mail and courier services. To improve the situation at the market of services in the period of COVID 19 pandemic, the author suggests the following, particularly in the field of insurance, to focus on the costs and profitability level, to reorient the insurers to the program of price changes, to optimize the costs of contractors and suppliers; to shape a program of actions concerning digitalization; in the banking sphere, it is proposed to improve the quality of the credit portfolio, the NBU should prolong the simplified rules of the credit risk assessment until the pandemic end; in the field of education, to make a flexible schedule of training and to stimulate self-education; in the sphere of medical services, it is expedient to maximize the efforts to use innovative technologies, to improve conditions of emergency departments, to improve protection of patients and doctors; in the field of tourism, it is reasonable to pay attention to the budget stimulation of the tourism field.

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