
The article is dedicated to A. Berg’s vocal cycle “Five Orchestral Songs after Postcards by Peter Altenberg” (“Altenberg Lieder”) op. 4 which is considered as the implementation of the Mahlers traditions. The main task of the author is to analyze the interpretation of the orchestral song genre, as well as the spheres of figurative and intonational content of the “Altenberg Lieder” in order to identify the artistic relationships with the works of G. Mahler. The article examines the reasons for Mahler’s influence on the representatives of the Second Viennese School and, in particular, on A. Berg. The line of succession connecting the “Altenberg Lieder” cycle with “Songs of Dead Children” (“Kindertotenlieder”) in the context of the development of the genre of orchestral song is revealed. A detailed analysis of the implementation of important semantic themes of Mahler’s symphony “Song of the Earth” (the first and sixth movements) in Berg’s vocal cycle op. 4 is carried out. The intonation relationship between “Altenberg Lieder” and Mahler’s “Symphony in songs” is considered. Attention is paid to Berg’s expressionistic rethinking of themes and images, which are typical for Mahler’s works and late romanticism in general.

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