
اهتم المماليک بالجانب الأخلاقى فى معاملة عاملة الشعب، وظهر ذلک واضحا فى عصر أسرة قلاوون، وذلک بممارستهم للشعائر الدينية من صلاة وصوم وحج واحتفالات بالأعياد الدينية ومشارکتهم لعامة الناس. کما ظهر الجانب الأخلاقى لسلاطين أسرة قلاوون بتحقيق العدل بين الناس وإصلاح من ساءت أخلاقه وإبطال المکوس والضرائب التى کانت ترهق کاهل الشعب، وإنفاق أسرة قلاوون على الناس ورفع الظلم عنهم، مما کان له الأثر الطيب فى قلوب عامة الشعب تجاه سلاطين أسرة قلاوون، وبهذه المعاملة استطاع سلاطين أسرة قلاوون تيسير أمور الشعب ورفع المستوى المعيشى والرخاء الاقتصادى لعامة الشعب. The Mamluks were concerned with the moral aspect of treating the common people, and this was evident in the Qalawun dynasty, through their practice of religious rites such as prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, celebrations of religious feasts and their participation in the common people. The moral aspect of the sultans of the Qalawun dynasty was appeared by achieving justice among the people, reforming those whose morals were bad, and abolishing the tolls and taxes that were burdening the people, and the Qalawun dynasty’s spending on the people and the removal of injustice from them., which has a good effect in the hearts of the common people towards the sultans of the Qalawun dynasty. With that treatment, the sultans of the Qalawun dynasty were able to facilitate the people’s affairs and raise the standard of living and economic prosperity for the common people.

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