
The Zionist settlement in Jerusalem formed a cornerstone in the agreements of forming the successive Israeli governments, especially those governments that include a right-wing majority. In the summer of 2021 AD, a government was formed in Israel headed by the extreme right-wing party and included in its members parties from the right to the left.
 But this did not hinder the role of this government in building settlements and their infrastructure. Rather, it outperformed its predecessors by the sixteen-month period, which is the age of this government, whose presidency was exchanged by Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid, as it completed the settlement projects in Jerusalem that it inherited from the Benjamin Netanyahu government. It also approved new settlement projects in all their forms, from housing units to building public facilities and streets, and confiscating lands in and around Jerusalem. The role of this government was characterized by moving settlement projects that were frozen or not completed for political reasons.
 The American and European political discourse towards opposing settlements developed, but this did not prevent the continuation of these settlement activities. This settlement has contributed to affecting the lives of the Palestinian people, the least of which is preventing their population expansion towards the center of the city of Jerusalem, as well as reducing the possibility of establishing a Palestinian state due to its severance through. Despite this, the Palestinian resistance continued in various forms to this settlement.

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