
The purpose of the study is to highlight the processes of the formation and devel- opment of the Sholem Aleichem Jewish Th eater (Kyiv GOSET) in Chernivtsi in 1945. Th e re- search methodology is based on the principles of concrete-historical approach or historicism, objectivity, comprehensiveness, integrity, systematicity, and the use of the methods – of analysis and synthesis, historical-genetic, historical-comparative, historical-typological, and problem- chronological. Th e scientifi c novelty lies in the fact that for the fi rst time in historiography, un- published archival documents on the history of the Sholem Aleichem Jewish Th eater were circu- lated and analyzed in 1945; the problems of the formation and development of the well-known theater group are highlighted, its creative activity in Chernivtsi and anniversary tour in Kyiv are characterized, its leading actors and managers are identifi ed. In particular, M. Goldblat, L. Kalmanovych, D. Zhabotynsky, A. Nuger, A. Sonts, D. Stryzhevsky, D. Ruvynsky-Dneprov, P. Pomerants, V. Shaykevych, Sh. Fingerova and many others. Among the well-known plays presented by the creative team of the theater, it is worth noting “I Live” (M. Pinchevskyi), “Th e Magician” (A. Goldfaden), “Tevye the Milkman”, “Th e Enchanted Tailor” (Sholem Aleichem). The processes of development of Kyiv GOSET in Bukovyna took place based on personal experi- ence of creative activity. Also, they accumulated ancient traditions of Jewish theater art that existed in Chernivtsi. Conclusions. Th e formation and development of the Sholem Aleichem Jewish Th eater, which was re-evacuated in Chernivtsi on February 9, 1945, turned out to be gene rally successful. Th e well-known theater group managed to restore its pre-war creative po- tential and enrich its repertoire policy. On October 5, 1945, in honor of its twentieth anniver- sary, the theater was named aft er the prominent Jewish writer Sholem Aleichem. Since then, the theater has forever changed not only its registration but also its offi cial name.

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