
he archival sources of the Ethnographic commission of the All-Ukrainian Academy (1921–1933) are studied and described in the article. The records of the people’s collectors of folklore-ethnographic materials from various fields of Ukrainian traditional culture are submitted. These are mainly the samples of the 1927–1929, when the population have recovered a little from a terrible famine of the 1921–1923 and try to keep life giving strength for the development of farm and family. Folk customs, rituals and folk calendar holidays, kolyadkas, schedrivkas are preserved completely enough among the inhabitants of Steppe Ukraine. Interesting observations in the field of material culture concerning the land surveying, ploughing technique, dwelling building, are fixed. Folk beliefs, connected with the concepts on earth, fire, animals are of peculiar interest. We have the preservation of archaic elements of culture, when the faith in the forces of demonology exist actively and are typical for all districts of Dnipropetrovsk region. Belief in the witches existence and the means of protection from them are very widespread. The reminiscences on Cossack liberty, their courage are the most frequent in the song folklore. In general, the theme of Cossack times is highly significant in all song and prose genres. The level of existence of folklore-ethnographic phenomena in the first half of the 20th century is presented in these records of correspondents from Dnipropetrovsk region.

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