
The research aims to identify the features of intertextual connections in the Russian children’s novella of the 1920s by developing a typology of intertextual inclusions, identifying the stylistic functions of quotations, allusions and reminiscences functioning in the novella “The Republic of ShKID” by L. Panteleyev and G. Belykh. The paper is original in that it is the first to present the results of a comprehensive study of intertextuality implementation in the children’s novella genre, to propose a typology of intertextemes, to indicate their stylistic role, to outline the historical and cultural reasons for the formation of the intertextual field of the children’s novella in the 1920s. As a result, it has been proved that the intertextemes that go back to the programme foreign policy documents of the Soviet government, songs of a solemn nature serving as a musical symbol of the state, Soviet newspapers and slogans, urban folklore texts actively function in the material under consideration, which is explained by their deep involvement in the communicative space, culture of the period under study. The continuity of Russian culture can be traced in the intertextemes dating back to the texts of the Old and New Testaments, ancient myths and legends, works of oral folk art, classical Russian and foreign literature.

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