
During the 1919 Egyptian revolution, specifically in December 11, 1919, the British occupation military for cesattacked the Al-Azhar mosque and broke into, claiming they are perusing demonstrators that hiding in. Al-Azhar mosque was the center of the Revolution, where demonstration sused to start from, calling for freedom and complete in dependence Students, scholars, and shiakhs of Al-Azhar stood bravely and strongly against this raid rejecting, and did not submit to the demands of Sultan Fuad and Cabinet to calm down and limit the role of Al-Azhar in education only, away from the national and political matters. Al-Azhar has been supported by the public stance; where people announced their rejection to the accident of attacking Al-Azhar beside the freedom and independence demands; that forced the British occupation of Egypt and London to apologies. Apparently, the Al-Azhar Attack hasincreasedpublic support to the1919revolution, which succeeded to be part of the Egyptian independence.

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