
The present article proposes a comprehension of the original author's concept of cognitive-pragmatic programs (CPP) in the context of the theory of intentionality. Intentionality is realized as a plan that forms an intention and utilizes the form of a signal. A special role here is played by the system of instrumental attitudes of the CPP, which make up the cognitive-mental strategy of one’s actions and interactions on the basis of the target and self-identification CPS subsystems (cognitive-pragmatic sets). An instrumental-operational strategy is a cognitive project (action plan) of the source subject aimed at the successful implementation of one / several strategic goals of the CPP. The dynamic instrumental-operational model of the intentional P-D(S) functioning can be represented as a formula: instrumental-operational strategy of the intentional P-D(S) (“how”) = tool - method - operation (action). The instrumental-operational strategy acquires the properties of the intentional-discursive space in which it is actualized. This is the reason for the internal (cognitive-mental) harmonization and integrity of the discourse signal. Each of the components of the instrumental-operational strategy P-D(S) (tool, method, operation (action)) can be considered both as part of the general dynamic signal of the actual discourse / CPP, and as an independent signal. There are two options for describing the functional activity of software Р-D(S): instrumental signal P-D(S) (“how”) = the first component of the general signal (instrument) + the second component of the general signal (the way the instrument is implemented) + the third component of the general signal (operation / action); instrumental signal Р-D(S) (“as”) = signal 1 (instrument) + signal 2 (method of representation / mechanism for implementing the instrument) + signal 3 (operation / action). This model has two main forms of actualization — “direct” and “reverse”. The “direct” form is relevant for the source subject, the generator of CPP / P-D(S). The source subject begins the operation of functionalizing the program discourse signal by searching for an instrument, and ends this process by performing an action. The subject-interpreter, when interacting with the discourse, performs the reverse operation.

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