
Sports of the highest achievements requires the fullest possible use of the psychophysical capabilities of an athlete, which requires a fundamentally different approach, compared to mass sports, in the preparation of athletes using modern scientific methods for diagnosing the functional state of the body (FSB). Conducting scientific research with the required quality needs the use of multivariate analysis of the obtained primary data characterizing the FSB. Analysis by individual factors or analysis of only the final result does not allow to identify weaknesses and assess the reserves of the athlete’s body. The indicated requirements for multivariate analysis are satisfied by the Algebraic Model of Constructive Logic Algorithm (AMCLA), which is used in healthcare. AMCLA as an analytical tool allows performing complex analytical calculations and building expert systems on its basis. The AMCLA is based on the logic of predicates, which fundamentally distinguishes this mathematical apparatus from neural networks. The use of AMCLA cannot be considered as an alternative to the use of others methods of multivariate analysis. The best is the result of the analysis, confirmed by fundamentally different methods. Comparative analytical calculations with neural network algorithms have shown coincidence in the fundamental components of the result. Nevertheless, AMCLA can also identify the most characteristic differences, evaluate restrictions in the choice of treatment and the correct choice of factors, which is important in analytical studies in biomedical research. To participate in the study, 182 qualified male athletes aged 19–22 years (20.5±1.5) were selected, with different levels of functional reserves. They were engaged in sports with a high dynamic and static component (football, basketball, volleyball, boxing, swimming, athletics), according to the classification by Mitchell JH and co-authors, who are at the stage of improving their sportsmanship. The dysfunctional orientation of regulatory mechanisms in qualified athletes in groups with rhythm disturbances and impaired repolarization processes against the background of a decrease in physical performance and stress of adaptation mechanisms was reliably classified by phasographic speed indicators of the heart electrical activity, which was determined using AMCLA. Innovation indicators averaged phase of the cardiac cycle suggests a lack of verified earlier values that characterize the different states. In this case, AMCLA made it possible to identify the most significant indicators of the phase averaged cardiac cycle to characterize various states and differentiate the ranges of their values. Multivariate analysis of the functional state indicators of the athlete’s body with the use of AMCLA can be a methodology for solving the problems of reserve measurement in the highest achievements sports.

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