
The article analyzes some aspects of axiologising the professional training of the future primary school teacher, presented in scientific studies. The problem of value orientation of higher pedagogical education, axiologising professional training of the future specialist, formation of his worldview position, value-targeted guidelines conceptualizing pedagogical activity, giving it meaning, integrity, universality and uniqueness is updated. The scientific discourse supports the opinion that the process of value formation of a future teacher at the stage of professional and pedagogical training involves a purposeful, systematic movement through cognition, value comprehension and evaluation to the creative transformation of knowledge, the formation of the ability for constant self-development and self-improvement, and the formed value orientations are the basis of formation value attitude of the individual to the future pedagogical activity. Attention is focused on defining the basic values of university education, which act at each stage of professionalization as moral imperatives and are the basis for self-organization and self-development of pedagogical activity, teacher-student interaction. An overview of the scientific ideas of the famous Ukrainian teacher, scientist O. Savchenko regarding values in the professional activity of a teacher, where, based on the idea that values characterize the socially and personally significant meanings of a teacher's professional activity, the addition of the theory and practice of the development of professional values of a teacher by filling new meanings of axiological concepts is emphasized, conclusions are made regarding the system- forming nature values in the activity of the teacher. It is summarized that positive changes in society indirectly depend on similar changes in the system of professional education, humanization of social life and humanization of education - on the axiological basis of the teacher, where the main criterion is his professional training from the standpoint of awareness of the realities of the modern world, axiological priorities as socially and personally significant meanings that actively stimulate the professional and pedagogical training of a modern primary school teacher in the conditions of personally oriented education.

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