
Diagnosis of tuberculosis of female genitalia is based on a complex of traditional and new diagnostic methods used in a certain sequence in outpatient and/or inpatient settings. Because of insufficiently effective diagnostic tests, genital tuberculosis is often detected in irreversible anatomical changes, when the prospects for restoring the reproductive function are unsatisfactory. The aim of the work was to identify socio-economic and biomedical risk factors for reproductive disorders associated with genital tuberculosis in order to create statistical models for the prediction and diagnosis of these disorders. To study the connection between the presence of genital tuberculosis and a number of prognostic and diagnostic features, the method of nonlinear regression analysis (logistic regression) was used. Statistical models of prognosis and diagnosis of reproductive disorders associated with genital tuberculosis (HT) in women at the outpatient stage are proposed. The forecast model included clinical and anamnestic predictors: prolonged subfebrile condition, weight loss, increase in inguinal lymph nodes, membership in the social group «female students», contact with tuberculosis patients, tuberculin specimen turnover, presence of pulmonary tuberculosis in the anamnesis. The statistical diagnostic model included the following important methods: enzyme immunoassay, laser fluorescence method, Diaskin-test, hysterosalpingography (segmented fallopian tubes), determination of progesterone, estradiol and testosterone levels in the blood serum (decrease of these hormones).


  • Нами был использован метод нелинейного регрессионного анализа для определения связи туберкулёза половых органов с рядом прогностических и диагностических признаков

  • Diagnosis of tuberculosis of female genitalia is based on a complex of traditional and new diagnostic methods used in a certain sequence in outpatient and/or inpatient settings

  • The aim of the work was to identify socio-economic and biomedical risk factors for reproductive disorders associated with genital tuberculosis in order to create statistical models for the prediction and diagnosis of these disorders

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Statistical models of prognosis and diagnosis of reproductive disorders associated with genital tuberculosis (HT) in women at the outpatient stage are proposed. For citation: Leshchenko O.Ya., Atalyan A.V., Malanova A.B. Prognosis and diagnosis of reproductive disorders associated with genital tuberculosis in women. ВВЕДЕНИЕ Ранняя диагностика и своевременное лечение туберкулёза половых органов у женщин остаются крайне актуальными проблемами, решение которых позволит значительно повысить фертильность и качество жизни пациенток [2, 3]. ACTA BIOMEDICA SCIENTIFICA, 2018, Vol 3, N 3 ческих клинических симптомов, скрытое, латентное течение, низкая частота верификации возбудителя в диагностическом материале обусловливают низкий уровень диагностики туберкулёза половых органов у женщин с репродуктивными нарушениями и бесплодием [4, 5]. Туберкулёз половых органов выявляют при необратимых анатомических изменениях, когда перспективы восстановления репродуктивной функции неудовлетворительны даже при использовании современных вспомогательных репродуктивных технологий, и многие исследования связывают это с недостаточно эффективными диагностическими тестами [1, 2, 4]

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