
This paper’s urgency consists in the need for the most effective using of the human capital for counteraction
 to security threats related to social-economic and political systems in all areas of activity. The paper’s
 subject is connected with developments, which are conducted in Nature Management and Environmental
 Security (NM&ES) Chair of the State University of Management in the frame of scientific school “Risk Management
 and Security Assurance for Social-Economic and Political Systems” which head is the Honored
 Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Ya.D. Vishnyakov. The problem has
 global character, and within the country becomes an issue of national security ensuring. Therefore this paper
 subject is included into one of above-mentioned scientific school’s research directions — “Strategic Risk
 Management and Ecological-Economical Damage Assessment in Social-Economic and Political Systems”.
 Considering all range of the modern world threats and their catastrophic consequences it is possible to tell
 with confidence that the existing civilization is the risk one. It is common knowledge that so-called «human
 factor» (HF) plays the essential role in the origin of accidents and catastrophes leading to emergency situations.
 This factor’s negative role can be manifested in the lack of timely intervention, wrong intervention,
 correct, but untimely intervention, excess or harmful intervention.
 In the research of the HF phenomenon it is necessary to reveal, first of all, not only it’s cause-effect relations
 with the emergency, but also to develop mechanisms allowing to use as much as possible opportunities
 which are put in the HF concept. First of all it belongs to vocational training of persons making crucial decisions on security assurance, their continuous self-improvement and education, increase of these persons’
 rigor and responsibility.
 The security assurance problem solution demands not only a high standard for knowledge and abilities
 of experts on all management levels, but also understanding by them a huge responsibility for future world
 order. According to the Russian Federation’s National Security Strategy till 2020 the human potential development
 and Russia’s human capital role increase are the priority direction in country’s further successful
 In the conditions of natural and technogenic risk increasing and market competition strengthening, the
 knowledge management becomes a major factor of risk mitigation, security assurance of population and
 State’s economical objects, improving competitiveness. Only thus the modern civilization of risk, using the
 human capital’s intellectual power as a basis for the most effective human factor management, becomes
 a knowledge and risk civilization. This thesis understanding and adoption of urgent decisions on security
 assurance will allow mitigate all categories of risks at least by a decade in the coming years.

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