
The article is devoted to the investigation of the current state of legal regulation of provision of agricultural workers with personal protective equipment, analysis of legislative novelties and highlighting the main disadvantages in this area with the formulation of proposals for their elimination. It is defined that the legal framework for provision of workers of agricultural enterprises with personal protective equipment (hereinafter - PPE) is currently being updated, primarily due to Ukraine’s international and European integration obligations to adapt domestic legislation in this area to international requirements. It is proved that the main positive innovations are: the introduction of a combination of the mandatory minimum provision of workers by PPE with the possibility for the employer to decide on the provision of workers by PPE overtime; giving priority to means of collective protection over PPE; specification of the rights of workers to participate in resolving issues related to the their provision of PPE; regulation of the procedure for selecting PPE by the worker in excess of the established minimum norms. A number of measures are proposed to promote the practical implementation of the provisions of the Minimum Safety and Health Requirements for the use of personal protective equipment in the workplace: development of recommendations for employers to assess occupational risks in the workplace; provision of advisory services in the field of risk assessment at workplaces and on the selection of PPE above the established norms (such services may be provided by the State Labor Service of Ukraine); provision of workplace risk assessment services by the State Labor Service or other entities (this is especially relevant for small agricultural enterprises). A proposal was made to introduce incentives for employers to provide employees (including agricultural enterprises) with PPE by establishing the dependence of the amount of contributions for compulsory state insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases on the level of occupational injuries / diseases at the enterprise. Keywords: occupational safety and health of workers, industrial risks, legislation, personal protective equipment, dangerous production factors, labor protection, legal regulation

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