
The purpose of the research is to conduct a comparative analysis of the First World War and the current Russian-Ukrainian war based on the use of mass media materials, statisti- cal data, testimonies of contemporaries in various forms and popular science works published on the eve of and during these armed confl icts. Th e research methodology is based on the prin- ciples of historicism, objectivity, systematicity and the use of universal general scientifi c research methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction) and special-historical and interdisciplinary methods (historical-comparative, historical-genetic, statistical). Th e scientifi c novelty is that, for the fi rst time in national historiography, historical parallels between the First World War and the current Russian-Ukrainian wars have been drawn in the international and domestic Ukrainian context. Conclusions. In 2022, as a result of the successful defensive and counter- off ensive actions of the Ukrainian troops and clear signals from the US and European states regarding the full support of Ukraine, materialized in fi nancial and armed aid, hopes for a quick victory over the aggressor appeared in our society, regardless of its huge material and human resources. However, at the end of the year it became clear that the desired victory would not be achieved in the near future. Th erefore, the key to the protection of the Ukrainian state is nation- wide strategic patience, contrary to the harmful national tradition of internal political discord in diffi cult times. So, similar to the war of 1914-1918, the outcome of the current armed confl ict will largely be decided on the “internal front”. However, in contrast to the wartime 100 years ago, when a universally understood ideology of war was never formed, the current Ukrainian- Russian confrontation does not have this problem.

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