
This article examines the problem of state control of intellectual property and public space in the context of the interaction of the socio-ecological and economic system of Tatarstan with the potential of scientific, technical, intellectual and natural resources. The main directions of the environmental policy of any state are its regulations. In our country, one of such documents is the Declaration of Rights (Charter) of the Earth. The Republic of Tatarstan is one of the subjects of our state that is a leader in the field of eco-innovation, in the management and implementation of “green” technologies in the economy of other regions of Russia, therefore it is advisable to conduct a study using the example of this particular region. The object of the study is the sustainable development of the territory using the example of the Republic of Tatarstan. The purpose of the study is the constant improvement of the territory following the model of the Republic of Tatarstan, ensuring sustainable development of the regions according to the model by studying environmentally oriented methods. Research methods: means of economic and statistical analysis, classification and comparison methods, monitoring methods, a set of individual research methods. Novelty of the research. In the course of the study, it was found that Tatarstan is an example of a subject of the Russian Federation that managed to introduce a model of sustainable development of innovation in the field of environmental protection, successfully combining the spheres of economics and ecology. “Green” technologies and eco-innovations are important tools for achieving the goals of the environmental policy of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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