
The aim of the study is to identify and describe the ways of self-presentation and the type of self-concept of the protagonist in a postmodern literary work. Attaining the aim made it possible to draw a line between the artistic context of the author and the artistic context of the protagonist in texts with first-person narration. The obtained results showed that such a distinction is very important, since it allows examining the features of the interaction of the specified contexts and the mechanisms of formation of the aesthetic-semantic context of the reader stimulating artistic activity and causing the emergence of an aesthetic reaction. The reasoning and arguments presented in the paper are illustrated by examples from V. Pelevin’s short story “Nika”. The study is novel in that it is the first to conduct a comprehensive linguostylistic analysis of the protagonist’s inner speech and propose ways of explication of the author’s intention hidden in the subtext. This analysis showed that there is an obvious semantic heterogeneity and inconsistency in the short story, which is necessary for the author to mislead the reader by controlling the process of perception of the artistic meaning and to cause an unexpected emotional reaction by the ending of the short story.

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