
The subject of the study is the clothing (including shoes and hats) of a small ethnic group of Latvians in Bashkiria, formed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. in the Ufa province. In a period when traditional clothing was largely replaced by urban clothing. The presented article was prepared on the basis of the author's field research (2010-2020 expeditions) in rural settlements of the Arkhangelsk and Iglinsky districts of the republic. An array of empirical material from photographs and memoirs of local residents, supplemented by archival documents and publications of the 19th-20th centuries. on the stated topic. For the first time, on the basis of a comprehensive analysis, the clothes of the Latvians of Bashkiria were studied in detail in order to identify its specific features and rudiments from a set of traditional clothes. The study was carried out in the context of the study of material culture, the history of everyday life and ethno-cultural ties. As is known, in the conditions of the existence of a separate ethnic group, the processes of cultural conservation can manifest themselves. This thesis is confirmed by the results of the study. For example, the traditions of weaving that have been preserved for a long time (the first half of the 20th century), including the manufacture of homespun fabrics and tailoring of clothes, woven head scarves from it. The widespread use of knitted clothing, both upper and stockings, and socks, including those with a traditional striped transverse ornament. Ways to decorate clothes. The method of comparison revealed the specificity of fastening shoes on the legs with laces and leather straps, similar to the fastening by analogy with fastening the postol. The use by Latvians of clothing and footwear traditional for the local population is shown. The article introduces new field materials into scientific circulation.

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