
Abstract This study presents the process of fashion item development with velvet through creative thinkingmethods. Creativity is one of the most important requirements for a successful job career and educationenhancing creative thinking is needed in the area of fabrication, product design, and marketing strategydevelopment. Velvet was selected as a research stimulus because it is a luxurious fabric with various dif-ferential properties such as a soft touch, unique luster, excellent drapability, and fine physical properties.The research methodology included creative thinking methods review, the selection of the tools, ideasourcing and listing, sequential idea evaluation and sample product making. After review of the variouscreative thinking methods, a combination method and forced connection method were employed as researchtools to confirm the usefulness of creative thinking training because of their independence of use and ap-plication simplicity. A total of 12 university students participated as subjects in this research. After sometraining, each student derived ten ideas for velvet products that utilized a combination method and forcedconnection method. A total of 120 ideas were evaluated for novelty, technical possibility, practicality, andmarketability; subsequently, 24 ideas were adopted and developed as sample products. The effectiveness ofcreativity education in fabrication and product design classes was verified through the whole process ofproduct planning.Key words: Creative thinking, Product development, Velvet, Combination method, Forced connectionmethod; 창의적 발상, 상품 개발, 벨벳, 조합법, 강제연결법

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