
Using modern tools – the analytical platform Deductor – the method of data clustering analyzed socio-economic differences between the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in terms of their inclusive development. Attention is drawn to the fact that the Inclusive Development Index (IDI) in our time is promoted as an adjunct and even a substitute for the indicator Gross Domestic Product (GDP). According to the results of modeling by the Kohonen map method, sixteen countries of Central and Eastern Europe (including Ukraine) were involved in the study, which, on the basis of intellectual data processing, were grouped into three clusters based on the analysis of twelve X1...X12 indicators selected to characterize inclusive development. For each of the clusters, the characteristics of inclusive development for those countries included in the corresponding cluster were identified and analyzed. The cluster with the conditional number "0" includes 6 countries (Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Latvia, Poland and Croatia), which have relatively high indicators of the economic and environmental component of inclusive development, but relatively low standards of the social component of inclusive development. In addition to Poland, these countries have a relatively small population. All countries in cluster "0" are faced with demographic challenges, such as a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in the average age of the population. This cluster "0" includes Estonia - a country that belongs to developed countries when calculating the of Inclusive Development Index, despite the fact that the remaining countries in this cluster belong to developing countries. The cluster with the conditional number "1" includes countries (the Czech Republic, Slovenia and the Slovak Republic) that have a relatively high level of GDP per capita and a high level of labor productivity, that is, they have relatively high indicators of the economic component of inclusive development. These countries also observe relatively high standards of the social component and the environmental component of inclusive development. The cluster with the conditional number "2" includes countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine), which are characterized by low GDP per capita and low median household income, that is, these countries have low indicators of the economic component of inclusive development. These countries also observe relatively low standards of the social and environmental component of inclusive development.

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