
The article describes methodical approaches to the formation of the strategy of innovative development of industrial enterprises based on the Burennikova (Polishchuk)-Yarmolenko component effectiveness models, which are based on the characteristics of the category of effectiveness of any process (including the process of innovative development) using the category of effectiveness of the process as a combination its scale – the quantitative component and efficiency – the qualitative component. The purpose of the article is to reveal approaches to the formation of the innovative development strategy of industrial enterprises as micro-level systems in the context of management based on indicators of the effectiveness of the components of the innovative development process using SEE analysis as part of the SEE management mechanism in the context of digitalization. It is emphasized that the implementation of the SEE-management algorithm is based on a certain mechanism, which contains SEE-analysis and other tools, which, along with the known characteristics, cover a set of indicators of the components of the effectiveness of the innovative development process. The SEE-analysis of the process of innovative development of industrial enterprises as complex systems at the micro level means the analysis of the effectiveness of this process on the basis of the above-mentioned models and their indicators. It was determined that the proposed methodology, thanks to SEE-management, can contribute to the adoption of scientifically based management decisions regarding the innovative development of enterprises, including in the context of digitalization. A refined definition of the definition "digitalization" is given. It is believed that the use of a system of indicators in the models of the components of the effectiveness of the innovation development process will make it possible to implement in practice a comprehensive approach to the analytical, prognostic and other components of management (in particular, SEE-management) of the innovative development of industrial enterprises, starting with making a decision about the feasibility of innovations and ending with evaluation effectiveness of the innovative development process.

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