
The rapid advancement of digital technologies is a lever for the active development of the financial market. Currently, the range of financial services offered by various organizations is quite diverse and multifaceted. The effective use of financial instruments by small and medium-sized businesses is becoming the key to its successful development in the modern world. For the competent and promising use of these tools, representatives of the business inevitably have to improve their level of financial literacy. This article was prepared on the basis of the results of the expert sociological survey Assessment of the state of the competitive environment in the Republic of Mordovia by the business community conducted in August 2020 by the State Institution of the Republic of Moldova Scientific Center for Socio-Economic Monitoring (247 respondents were interviewed). Research has shown that financial services are affordable for businesses. Entrepreneurs mainly use the services of various banks, as well as insurance and microfinance organizations. The most popular financial services in the business environment are payments (money transfers, payment of taxes, goods, services, etc.). The respondents assess the cost of crediting and loans rather negatively, noting high interest rates. The analysis of the results of the expert survey allowed the authors to conclude that, despite the rather active development of the financial services market, the level of its accessibility and cost remains relevant for entrepreneurs. It is necessary to form an expedient tax and financial policy on the part of the state, as well as the development and implementation of measures to improve the financial literacy of representatives of the business community.

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