
The development of robotics makes their group application relevant for solving varioustasks. The effectiveness of performing the tasks of detecting and determining the coordinates ofobjects by a group of robots significantly depends on the accuracy of maintaining a given formation.In this regard, the task of determining motion planning algorithms that ensure the greatestaccuracy of maintaining a given formation is of practical interest. This article is devoted to thestudy of the accuracy of maintaining the formation of a multicopter-type UAV group using a centralizedmotion planning algorithm and a decentralized algorithm. The centralized algorithm usesa master UAV, which transmits its coordinates to the slave UAVs. Based on the coordinates obtainedand the given framework of the formation, the guided UAVs plan their movement. In a decentralizedsystem, neighboring UAV groups transmit their coordinates to each other, on the basisof which the movement of a separate UAV is planned. The accuracy of the control system is investigateddepending on the errors of the navigation system and the frequency of updating data on theposition of the leading or neighboring UAVs. It is assumed that the group's UAVs determine their coordinates in discrete moments of time using an external navigation system. Centralized anddecentralized algorithms are worked out by the same motion control system. The algorithms areinvestigated in this article by numerical modeling methods. In the process of simulation, models ofkinematics, dynamics and actuators are taken into account, as well as models for the formation oferrors in the navigation system. It is shown that the de-centralized algorithm of group motionplanning provides higher accuracy compared to the centralized algorithm. However, the technicalimplementation of a decentralized algorithm is more complicated from the point of view of organizinga group communication system. In a centralized system, data transmission from the masterUAV to the slave should be implemented. In a decentralized system, it is required to implementnetwork communication.

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