
The article is devoted to the study of the religious foundations of Soviet life. The article examines the religious doctrine of Hesychasm, which was developed in the historical and cultural development of Russia, which influenced the development of Russian theology and the social mission of the Church. Hesychasm ideas have become a civilizational determinant that influenced the development of statehood, the specifics of socio-political practices. The author studies the manifestation and significance of the hesychasm paradigm in order to understand its embodiment in the real practices of the Soviet life. According to the author, hesychasm as a cultural paradigm that has influenced the socio-political sphere should be considered not only in a religious context. The author suggests using the «political hesychasm» and «social hesychasm» concepts existing in the scientific field. Historical and cultural analysis of theevolution of the hesychasm doctrine allows us to conclude that the images of the Soviet life are a transformation of hesychasm ideas that influenced many generations of people and served as the basis for new formats of the messianic idea of building an ideal communist society, in which ideas about holy Russia and holy people, which in turn influenced the nature and methods of government in the Soviet era. The author believes that this issue can be studied in the context of trans – and interdisciplinary methodology, where the main one is a culturological approach to understanding the historical dynamics of social consciousness in the context of civilizational specifics. According to the author, with this approach, it is possible to ensure the interconnection of a holistic vision of the cultural experience of Russia

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