
This study aims at describing the methodological basis of education course «Mediation psychological practices» worked and implemented by author for graduate students of specialty of «Psychology». Mediation is an alternative procedure used to resolve conflicts in different spheres such as in-corporate disagreement, family and work-related relationship, projects supporting. The author first presents the theoretical and practice oriented parts as well as students’ individual work. A key idea in introducing the training course was to implement dialogue as a means of solving the problems of personality in relationships.The main idea of the course is to develop the conflictological competence as well as skills aimed at solving conflicts and organizing the cooperation of participants of the conflict. The components of the course are a theoretical, practical-oriented block and independent work.Such skills can be developed by using role plays, situations’ analysis, dialogue practices, training technologies, individual projects implementing. Students also practiced at formulating questions according to the stage of mediation, active listening, self-understanding by reflection using. All these steps were directed to develop students’ communication skills. Especially effective practices were presented by modelling mediation situations and organizing the meeting with experienced mediator. The author used group discussion for students to understand the controversial behaviour of participants of the conflict and detecting individual and group bias. Also it is described the author’s experiments assigning students to prepare mini-trainings aimed to develop skills important in mediation procedure as regulation of emotional tension, communicating skills, ability of non-evaluating attitude.

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