
The article presents theoretical and empirical materials that reveal the specifics of the main parameters of personality reflexivity as determinants of general management styles. It is shown that one of the most constructive means of such disclosure is to identify the relationship of leadership styles as one of the central constructs of management psychology, on the one hand, and the main reflexive parameters, on the other. The necessary prerequisites for the synthesis of several major areas of modern psychology are described: theory of activity, management psychology, psychology of reflection and metacognitive psychology. It is established that the main general management styles are characterized by different values of the indexes of integration (coherence), differentiation (divergence) and the index of general organization of personality reflection parameters. The provisions are formulated according to which the regularities of the structural organization of the parameters of the reflection of the managers’ personality are based on specific conditions for the implementation of management activity, expressed in the form of remote forms. The substantiation of the leading role of the means of «anti-reflexive» orientation in management activity in the conditions of using technological mechanisms of the information and communication plan is given. Their greater representation is noted in remote («virtual») forms of implementation of management activity than in traditional versions of its implementation. It has been established that a high and above average level of reflection development has not a facilitating, but, on the contrary, inhibiting effect on the performance indicators of management activity. This circumstance determines the use by manager of a high level of reflexivity development for its own «minimization», mainly for the directive general management style. The provisions on the gradual change of research orientation from two traditionally differentiated classes of activity — subject-object and subject-subject — to a new subject-information class are substantiated. The provisions on the affiliation of management activity simultaneously to three differentiable classes of activity are explained: subject- subject, subject-object and subject-information.

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