
Aim. Study of the organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators of dry-cured snacks from rabbit meat using the Glimalask food additive. Materials and Methods. In the course of the research, standardized methods of analysis were used. The object of the study were two samples of products - dry-cured meat snacks from rabbit meat, produced according to the traditional technology of dry-cured meat products according to the developed recipes. For the development of laboratory samples, a marinade based on soy sauce, water and a complex of spices was used, while the Glimalask food additive (TС 2639-182-10514645-12) was additionally introduced into the experimental sample. To identify the indicators, standardized analysis methods were used: pH was determined according to GOST R 51478-99, water-binding capacity, water activity index, total moisture content – by drying, protein – by the Kjeldahl method and fat – by extraction method. The organoleptic evaluation of the obtained snacks was carried out using a nine-point scale in accordance with GOST 9959-2015. Results. Organoleptic evaluation: appearance, juiciness, consistency, color and taste, of the studied samples was carried out after drying. Thus, the prototype sample was rated higher than the control one, this is due to the use of the Glimalask food additive, which provided brighter taste and aroma characteristics and increased the juiciness of the snacks after the completion of the heat treatment. Next, the physicochemical parameters of the developed products were studied. It was revealed that in the test sample there was an increased protein content – more by 1.1%, moisture was less by 0.7% compared to the control, and the test sample of snacks was characterized by a high yield. Conclusion. Based on the results of the studies, it can be concluded that the use of the Glimalask food additive in the marinade recipe for the manufacture of dry-cured snacks did not have a negative impact on the finished product and contributed to the improvement of the taste, aroma and consistency of the finished products. The developed product has high consumer characteristics, meets the task of expanding the range of rabbit meat products. At the same time, the continuation of developments in this direction is of scientific and practical interest.

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