
The purpose of the article is to characterize the role of "green" cooperatives in the formation of institutional components of the development of alternative energy in the agricultural sector of the economy. Research methods. The article uses such a theoretical method as generalization during the study of the essence of the category of "green" energy cooperative. As well as the method of analysis in the process of considering the current state of development of alternative energy in Ukraine. In addition, an explanation method was used to study the role of "green" energy cooperatives in the development of alternative energy. Research results. The basic concept of "cooperation" and the derivative "energy cooperative" from the point of view of various authors are considered, the own explanation of the term "green" energy cooperative is given. The state of development of alternative energy in Ukraine is described. The trends of energy consumption based on renewable sources in the country for 2013-2018 are analyzed, according to which the share of energy supply from renewable sources is growing every year in 2018 with a rate of 4.6%. Motivations for active construction of solar power plants with the largest number of such in Dnipropetrovsk and Ternopil regions were noted. The institutional components of the development of alternative energy are noted, the emphasis is on "green" cooperatives. The main normative legal acts, ie formal institutions regulating renewable energy in the country, namely laws, orders, strategies are considered. An element of the institutional mechanism, such as organizations that control and structure the process of development of alternative energy sources, including in the agricultural sector of the economy, is analyzed. An example of successful experience of foreign countries in "green" energy cooperation, including the United Kingdom and Germany. Scientific novelty. The own explanation of the category "green" energy cooperatives "is formed. The importance of energy cooperatives in the development of the "green economy" in the agricultural sector of the economy is proved. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used to accelerate the further active development of "green" energy cooperatives, which will have a significant impact on increasing the production and consumption of alternative energy sources in rural areas, as well as reducing energy costs by farms and private farms. Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 23.

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