
In the work one researches the legal basis for the functioning of services that ensure the safety of navigation in the first half of the 20th century in the USSR. An important place among such services was occupied by the pilotage service. The features of the legal regulation of its activities based on the key legal acts of the studied period are considered. Among them are the «Pilot charter of sea pilots of the RSFSR» dated June 3, 1922, the USSR Council of People’s Commissars decree «On state sea pilots» dated July 25, 1926, the USSR Council of People’s Commissars decree «On harbor pilots» issued on January 15, 1927, and the USSR’s first Merchant Shipping Code dated June 14, 1929. An equally important role in ensuring the safety of navigation in the first half of the twentieth century in the USSR, according to international conventions and legislation of the USSR, was played by the communications service, which ensures the operation of radio stations serving merchant ships. The work examines the main legal acts, regulating the functioning of radio communications in the USSR in the first half of the twentieth century. The difficulties and shortcomings that have arisen in the use of radio stations and the ways out of the solution are noted in the archival documents used in the work.

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