
Coastal zones are integral natural and socio-economic territorial-water system, combined by a complex structure of interactions. Coastal geosystems are unique, rich in natural resources, which determines their attractiveness for industrial and residential, recreational, transport and other activities, but also makes them environmentally vulnerable. Sustainable development of the coastal zone is determined by the economic, social, and environmental components. The research area of interest is the coastal zone of the Sea of Azov (Rostov Region). The subject of the study is the state of medical and environmental safety of the territories. The purpose of the study is the analysis of medical-ecological and socio-demographic factors as the basis for sustainable development of the coastal zone of the Sea of Azov. A systematic approach has been implemented to assess the sustainable development of the coastal zone and to develop methods for analyzing and integrating heterogeneous data. Changes in the coastal zone were evaluated based on a comparative analysis of multizone satellite imagery with ground-based studies, data from thematic maps. For the analysis of medical and environmental safety, an author’s technique was used, combining traditional methods and geoinformation technologies based on ArcGis Desktop*. The environmental quality indicator was considered in terms of the impact on human health. Assessment of demographic security was carried out based on the coefficient of demographic well-being / prosperity of the territory. The incidence rate of malignant neoplasms was considered as a highly informative and socially significant indicator of the health status of the population. For analysis, we used the SSC RAS database for 2006-2016. A comprehensive analysis of the development factors of the coastal zone of the Sea of Azov showed significant problems in the studied region. The most attractive areas of the coastal zone of the Sea of Azov from the point of view of infrastructure development are at the same time subject to changes due to dangerous natural phenomena. Analysis of demographic indicators confirmed the presence of adverse demographic processes.


  • A systematic approach has been implemented to assess the sustainable development of the coastal zone and to develop methods for analyzing and integrating heterogeneous data

  • Changes in the coastal zone were evaluated based on a comparative analysis of multizone satellite imagery with ground-based studies, data from thematic maps

  • For the analysis of medical and environmental safety, an author’s technique was used, combining traditional methods and geoinformation technologies based on ArcGis Desktop*

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АННОТАЦИЯ Прибрежные зоны являются целостной природной и социально-экономической территориально-акваториальной системой, объединённой сложной структурой взаимодействий. Область интересов исследования — прибрежная зона Азовского моря (Ростовская область). Предмет исследования — состояние медико-экологической безопасности территорий. Цель исследования — анализ медико-экологических и социальнодемографических факторов как основы устойчивого развития прибрежной зоны Азовского моря. Реализован системный подход к оценке устойчивого развития прибрежной зоны и разработке методов анализа и интеграции разнородных данных. Изменения прибрежной зоны оценивали на основе сравнительного анализа многозональных космических съёмок в сочетании с наземными исследованиями, данными тематических карт. Для анализа медико-экологической безопасности использована авторская методика, сочетающая традиционные методы и геоинформационные технологии на базе ArcGis Desktop*. Комплексный анализ факторов развития прибрежной зоны Азовского моря показал наличие существенных проблем в исследуемом регионе. Наиболее привлекательные с точки зрения развития инфраструктуры районы береговой зоны Азовского моря подвержены изменениям вследствие действия опасных природных явлений. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: прибрежная зона Азовского моря, пространственно-временной анализ, медико-экологические факторы устойчивого развития, социальнодемографические факторы

Антропотехногенная нагрузка
Города К Ростовской вода области
Муниципальные районы
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