
Competitiveness of the global market is increasingly dependent on products based on which new knowledge lies. Today the industry needs science, innovations, education. The development of productive forces occurs with the close interaction of science and the latest technology. An analysis of the current state of the Ukrainian economy has shown that the existing decline and stagnation in industry can not be overcome by traditional methods, as it was possible in the near past. There is a need for radical measures for the introduction of new technical and technological solutions, modern production processes, capable of producing competitive products and providing competitive services. The above will allow the economy to exit the protracted crisis and provide Ukraine with a worthy place in the world community. Therefore, this direction of scientific research, namely the strategic aspect of innovation processes in Ukraine on the basis of foreign experience, is considered relevant. In a market economy, the company's successful activity is provided by innovation policy, which is the decisive tool in the competitive struggle. The main task of the state innovation policy should be measures aimed at creating conditions for the organic combination of scientific and technological and entrepreneurial environment. The state should strengthen direct support for the innovation process in promoting the creation of innovation infrastructure, the formation of scientific and production associations, etc. But only significant innovations should be encouraged by the state financially, for example, through preferential taxation or at the expense of budget allocations. This approach will allow not to spill out state funds in support of unpredictable innovations and will promote innovations aimed at economic breakthrough and sustainable growth. Market mechanisms at the present stage will not be enough for a noticeable intensification of the innovation process in Ukraine. The world tendencies in the field of technology development, at first glance, seem far from Ukrainian reality and do not significantly affect the range of domestic commodity producers. However, the desire of Ukraine to become a full member of the international trading system requires the production of goods and services in accordance with world requirements. That is why we need to talk about the innovative development of Ukraine not only from the point of view of raising the level of competitiveness and protection of domestic commodity producers, but also from the point of view of the expansion of our country to foreign markets.

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