
The paper is dedicated to studying the problem of VET institutions’ teachers’ digital culture; its urgency is conditioned by strategic objectives of vocational education as an institute of socialisation, inculturation and development of personality. In modern conditions the country’s innovative and technological process is determined by the processes of modernisation and economic growth of industries. In such conditions among the main directions of pupils’ training are: using the forms and methods adopted in the European countries; growing the role of digitisation in the teacher’s professionalism structure, a teacher uses modern education technologies and means, which assure the achievement of the set education aim. The problem of digital culture development needs comprehensive review, the process of digitisation is complex and integrative phenomenon; the phenomenon is interpreted or extremely broadly – as a stage in the development of civilization, that marks the transition to cyber-physical systems, or locally – as the diversity of trends and practices of the digitised society, generated by the convergence of digital technologies and socio-humanitarian knowledge. Based on the made analysis the author proposes to understand the development of VET institutions’ teachers’ digital culture as logical sequential process of internal positive qualitative changes of individuals, which happens as a result of increasing the digital potential in professional activity. The author proposed the complex of methodological approaches, which sufficiently reveal the nature and content of phenomenon under the study. The complex is built hierarchically according to the methodological levels: the first (philosophical) level – axiological; the second (general scientific) level – acmeological, system, andragogical, synergetic, personal activity, culturological, competence-based, informational; the third (specific scientific) level – contextual, resource-based. The author defines the specifics of developing VET institutions’ teachers’ digital culture in their professional activity referring to principles of the mentioned methodological approaches.

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