
Legal culture is closely connected with the social organization of society and is largely determined by the state and level of legal consciousness of people. The critical state of legal consciousness is one of the indicators of a low level of legal culture. It is well known that legal culture implies knowledge of the basic principles of law, awareness of the fundamental provisions of the current legislation and the ability to apply them. The lack of a legal base for the most important social relations, as well as the necessary knowledge of the most important legal norms, the provisions of the current legislation among subjects or citizens leads to the fact, that they cannot exercise their rights, without knowing about their rights and obligations, they will not be able to protect their legitimate interests. This article deals with the legal culture of ancient Azerbaijan, namely the Zoroastrian ideology, which is directly related to the formation of legal consciousness and political and legal culture of people living in this territory. The issues of the influence of the Zoroastrian religious and legal doctrine not only on the legal life of the inhabitants of this ancient land, but also on the formation of subsequent religious and philosophical and legal ideological trends in Azerbaijan are considered.

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