
Introduction. The housing and communal reform in Russia and the ongoing overhaul program, aimed at decentralization and minimizing state participation in the housing economy, involves the formation of mass layer of active homeowners who are able to negotiate with each other and financially manage the personal and common property of apartment buildings. In reality, numerous difficulties and problems are recorded in the processes of institutionalization of effective homeowners in Russia. Based on the analysis of research literature, the proposition is verified that, in addition to factors of a regulatory, legal and socio-economic nature, a significant role in the process of reforming the housing and communal sector is played by socio-cultural features of the development of Russian society. Theoretical justification. Based on the comparative method, macro-level factors in the organization and regulation of the housing and public utilities in Russian, analyzed in the context of socio-cultural and institutional approaches. Results and discussion. The analysis of the research literature makes it possible to see the historical, cultural and societal complexes of causes that affect the effectiveness of housing and public utilities reform. Researchers most often refer to the historical and cultural factors as the previous Soviet practice of organizing the housing economy, which formed and consolidated the passivity of the population and diversified the experience of collective action in the maintenance and modernization of the housing stock. In the institutional approach, the societal determinants include the following factors: the communitarian nature of the material and technological environment, paternalism and centralization of power, institutional inertia and the «path-dependence».

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