
The governments of many countries are facing the urgent task of forming a system of sustainable sources of budget revenues to finance various needs of the state in present conditions of uncertainty in economic, social, political processes. The article examines the role of revenues collected by customs authorities in the tax revenues of budgets of various groups of countries according to the classification of the World Customs Organization and their relationship with the level of economic development of such countries. The conducted research confirmed the important role of customs payments in the formation of the revenue base of the state budget of Ukraine (appr. 40% of total revenues). The most important fiscal role among customs payments is related to VAT on imported goods, while customs duty and excise tax on imported excise goods perform mainly a regulatory function, since their fiscal role is not significant. The positive and negative consequences of the use of customs payments as indirect taxes on different subjects of economic systems (governments, business and population) are studied. The negative economic results of the active use of indirect taxation include an increase in general prices level and an increase in consumer inflation. The high dependence of budget tax revenues on customs payments is a feature of countries with a low economic development level. It is necessary to create conditions for attracting investments, restoration of industrial and social infrastructure, reconstruction of housing, and production facilities in order to ensure the reliable basis for budget revenues col- lection. This kind of policy can contribute to the recovery of the economy, increasing businesses and population incomes, form- ing financial reserves, and will also create an economic base for a gradual increase in the role of direct taxes in budget revenues. Prevention of violations of custom legislation in foreign economic transactions can increase the revenues to the state budget without increasing the tax burden.

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