
his article discusses the development of a semantic dictionary of the Kazakh language for a computer translation system from Kazakh to Kazakh sign language, which will take into account the semantics of the Kazakh language and the Kazakh sign language. The semantic dictionary of the Kazakh language serves as the basis of computer translation technology from the Kazakh language to the Kazakh sign language. In the future, it will allow semantic analysis of the source text. The authors of the article analyzed and selected the available dictionaries of the Kazakh language used in the development of the semantic dictionary database. Dictionaries of the Kazakh language provide an opportunity for computer-based sign language translation of the Kazakh sign language. The article also presents the possibility of using L. S. Dimskis notation to develop a dictionary of the structure of gestures of the Kazakh sign language. The prospect of its inclusion in the database of semantic dictionary is revealed. And also revealed the need for a dictionary of gestures in the development of automated sign language translation system as a whole, taking into account its effectiveness and the possibility of full practical use.

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