
The interdisciplinary aspect in the study of the core concept in complex genetically organized systems of natural and anthropogenic origin is analyzed. The purpose of the article is scientific substantiation of the nature and essence of the genetic core of the electromechanical system. Based on the provisions of the theory of genetic evolution of electromechanical systems, the information essence of the genetic core as a carrier of genetic information of the primary source of the electromagnetic field is revealed. The analysis of the invariant relationships of the genetic nucleus with the structure of groups, subgroupsand small periods, the generative system was carried out. An invariant connection between the core concept and the processes of evolutionary speciation and the main taxonomic categories of electromechanical systems has been established. Based on the results of the system-genetic analysis, a definition of the concept of the genetic core is proposed. The relationship between genetic and energy cores in the hierarchy of levels of complexity of electromechanical systems is studied. The principles of genetic structuring of complex systems of themultinuclear type are revealed. According to the results of the system-genetic analysis of the conception of the genetic core of electro-mechanical systems, its main properties are summarized. The im-portance of the obtained research results for the spreadof genetic prediction technology and interdisciplinary synthesis to complex electromechanical complexes with nuclei of different physical nature is emphasized

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