
One of the main principles of the armed conflict in the east of Ukraine remains warfare in a dynamic change of complex electronic environment. The constant increase frequency bands occupancy, the use of various types of data transmission protocols necessitates an increase in the level of training of military specialists in the field of technical analysis of signals and radio emissions recognition. This, in turn, necessitates the development of approaches to simulating wideband scenarios for use in training process. The formation of the electronic environment using the technology of software-defined radio allows us to create a scenario of almost any complexity. Wideband scenarios can be generated in real time or be pre-generated and recorded in desired format. It is advisable to use the GNU Radio digital signal processing platform to develop software modules for generating real-time radio signals. Using this software it is possible to generate signals with analog and digital types of modulation, including frequency hopping and spread spectrum signals. The maximum bandwidth of the scenario corresponds to the maximum sampling frequency of the transceiver used. With this approach, you can change the power and carrier frequency of all components online. The limitations of real-time signal generation using GNU Radio are due to the fact that the bandwidth and complexity of the signal environment that can be generated depends on the performance of the computer's processor. Wideband scenario can be generated in any format using the high-level Python programming language. Further such files can be used for their analysis offline using appropriate software or as a signal source for radiation by software-defined radio systems.

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