
The goal is to show the importance of innovative technologies used in breeding, keeping and feeding pigs, helping to reduce the negative impact on the environment and ensuring high quality pig products. The methodological basis of the research includes the following methods - structural and functional analysis, economic and mathematical modeling, statistical. Results – the problems of development of pig breeding in the republic were revealed. The relationship between animal feeding rations and the quality of products of pig-breeding subcomplex has been determined. The authors state that one of the factors of low productivity of pigs is their unbalanced feeding. Such quantitative and qualitative indicators as presence of protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals characterize the usefulness of compound feed and their optimum for each sex and age group of animals. The article presents the results of studying the efficiency of production, preparation and distribution of feed for various types of feeding (per 100 kg gain). It is indicated that the problem of the use of dry or liquid (wet) type of feeding remains a problem, which for a number of years has been the subject of research by leading scientific centers of pig breeding in many countries of the world. It is indicated that the choice of a certain type of feeding is influenced by the direction of the pig-breeding farm, available feed base, sources of concentrated feed, conditions and possibilities of their storage. The sizes of feeders and feeding area for various production groups of pigs are given; the technical characteristics of the installation for the preparation and distribution of mushy feeds are given. Conclusions - an effective measure aimed at reducing production cost is the system of automatic feeding of animals, which ensures accurate and continuous accounting of feed. Digitalization of the domestic agro-industrial complex, including pig-breeding industry, will contribute to ensuring the country's food security, as well as entering the international food market.

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