
The inverse problems, when the coefficients of the equation are unknown, but the initial, boundary and other additional conditions are known, form a wide class of so-called coefficient inverse problems. Most of inverse problems are ill-posed. The instability of the solution of such problems and the errors of numerical methods lead to an increase in the resulting error by several times in comparison with the input error. It is clear that the ability to find a stable solution is critical for a specialist performing various kinds of diagnostics. The progress of today’s measuring and computing technology contributes to the development of applied inverse problems. Until recently, many formulations of inverse problems were impossible, since the measurement accuracy and computing power were insufficient. At present, it becomes possible to process large amounts of information in a short time, and in this regard, technologies for solving inverse problems are rapidly developing. These technologies should also be mastered by a modern specialist in the field of “Aircraft Engineering”. The proposed article is an initiative topic that arose on the basis of certification tests conducted in a strength laboratory. The authors propose a new discipline for KNRTU-KAI intended for training and professional development of specialists in the field of diagnostics of complex technical systems, such as aircraft structures. The main goal of the discipline is to give students the necessary competencies on the foundation of scientific methods of basic education in a specialized technical university. Those competencies will allow them to ensure the necessary technical condition of aircraft during operation, in accordance with the current airworthiness standards.

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