
Currently, the problems of energy conservation and energy efficiency are among the most pressing both in the Russian Federation and the world community. It is no secret that the main consumers of electricity are pumping stations. Reducing the power consumption of pumping stations is a priority worldwide. The use of energy efficient technologies and alternative methods of supplying water can significantly save energy. One of these methods of water supply is the use of a hydraulic ram. The purpose of this work is to summarize materials and introduce the features of the use of hydraulic ram on rivers in those places where there is a problem of energy supply. The use of hydraulic ram as a water-lifting device is a rational solution, especially in mountainous areas. Based on the analysis of theoretical information, the results of research and technical developments of a number of institutes and organizations, various ram installations and their calculations are presented. It is emphasized that the positive aspects of the ram allow under the current conditions using these installations in hydraulic and water construction without the introduction of energy-saving technologies. Hydroramplants operate under winter conditions at temperatures up to –25°C. In addition, the use of hydraulic ram improves the safety of water supply systems. extends the service life of the system, thereby increasing the overall effi ciency of the water supply and distribution systems. The analysis of existing equations made it possible to establish optimal formulas for determining the productivity of rams and the efficiency of the plant. These expressions are the most justified ones and fully reflect the physical essence of the processes arising in hydro rams.

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