
Cargo-ship Seagrand’s Accident in Busan(2019) and other Cases are causative of revision of Maritime Safety Act of Korea. In spite of this revision, Alcohol related Vessel accidents and Cases of crackdown at sea are continuing unabated for years. This mean regulation system for Drunk Sailing Control should be improved. As problems of regulatory system for Drunk Sailing Control, we could focus to distributed regulation by several Acts and Ordinances and its regulatory gap. It could be solved by Integrated regulation system. Furthermore procedure of post-Sobriety Test and control procedures –command of anchorage and other measures by Act on the Performance of Duties by Police Officers, Coast Guards Affairs Act etc- on vessels should supplement its inadequate provision. Revision of these provisons needs for guarantee of citizen’s Right and secure of administrative effectiveness. For example of legal revision for Alcohol control procedures, supplementary provisions for legal basis for tow the alcohol/drug use status-operated Vessel in urgent situation in place of its arrested operator, Before & After Sailing Sobriety Test likewise similar test which introduced for Railway and Airway Traffic. These system will contribute safety of human life and environment from maritime accidents.

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