
Over the past year, business conditions in our country have deteriorated significantly due to the slowdown in business as a result of the coronary heart disease pandemic. The system of economic security of each enterprise faces new challenges, risks and threats, which cannot be counteracted without the application of the latest management approaches. It was found that, despite the deep historical roots of holism research and existing experience in other fields, the holistic approach is not yet used in the management of economic security of Ukrainian enterprises. To substantiate the methodological foundations of the system of holistic management of economic security of the enterprise used methods: induction and deduction, comparison and systematization – in the study of the essential characteristics of the terms "holistic management of economic security of the enterprise" and "uncertainty"; synthesis and analysis – for the formation of theoretical provisions for the use of a holistic approach in the management of economic security of the enterprise;morphological analysis – to clarify the content of the purpose, goals, functions, principles and methods as a basis for the formation and development of a system of holistic management of economic security of the enterprise; graphic – for visual presentation of theoretical and methodical material; abstract-logical – for theoretical generalizations and conclusions of the study. The own vision of holistic management of economic security of the enterprise as activity directed on creation of optimum conditions of functioning and development of the enterprise by acceptance and realization of administrative decisions proceeding from integrity of perception and forecasting of dynamics of internal economic processes, changes in external environment, influence of challenges, risks and threats and organizational support and interaction with external security actors. The essence of the concept of "uncertainty" (a characteristic of the market environment associated with the influence of a large number of factors) with the definition of the main factors and outline the measures to be implemented in the process of holistic management of economic security. The purpose, goals, principles, functions (divided into general and specific) and methods (organizational-administrative, economic and socio-psychological) as the basis of methodological bases of formation and development of the system of holistic management of economic security of the enterprise are substantiated.

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