
The article examines the role that Czechoslovakia played in S.L. Frank’s life and phi­losophical path, especially the famous “Russian Action” initiated by President T.G. Masaryk. The previously unknown publications of Franck published in Czechoslo­vakia are established, due to which the bibliography of the philosopher is enriched. We made an attempt to establish the reasons why Frank ultimately refused to move to Prague, despite numerous invitations from other Russian emigrants. A special place is devoted to Frank’s participation at the Eighth International Congress in Prague, which took place in 1934. On the basis of archival materials, we consider the circumstances of Frank’s in­vitation to the congress, the contents of his lecture “The Present Spiritual Situation and the Idea of Negative Theology” held on September 5, 1934, in the “Religion and Philoso­phy” section, and Frank’s speech in the discussion with the Dutch philosopher H.J. Pos. The general historical and philosophical context of S.L. Frank’s talk at the Congress is re­constructed, taking into account the sociopolitical situation of the 1930s. In addition, the reception of Frank’s report by Russian thinker on the basis of remarks on his lecture as well as his own texts, which represent a review of the Eighth International Congress, is considered.

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