
The relevance of the topic of this scientific article lies in the need for a theoretical and practical study of the problem of escalating numbers and quality of cyber threats and attacks committed against institutions of the Russian financial system, implying their safe and sustainable development being ensured in Industry 4.0. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of cyberthreats facing the national financial system of the Russian Federation in the context of economy digitalization. The subject of scientific research is the processes of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation’s financial system in the digital economy. In the process of research, the authors relied on general scientific methods (observation, comparison, measurement, analysis and synthesis, as well as logical reasoning), specific scientific methods (static analysis, expert assessments, and graphical method), and the foresight method. The validity and reliability of the results of scientific research are ensured by the correctness and rigor of the logic and research scheme construction. Scientific and practical research of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of cybersecurity, digital economy and public administration was used as a methodological and fundamental basis of the study. Various approaches to key categories—digital sovereignty and cyberwar—have been systematized, and it has been established that the most pressing financial challenges and threats to the digital economy of the Russian Federation are as follows: hacker attacks, financial sabotage in the financial market, design and launch of social engineering trojans, infrastructure attacks on IoT (Internet of Things) networks, and sale of hacker tools with open source. The authors have analyzed the number and quality of cyberattacks on domestic financial institutions in 2016–2020; summarized the losses caused by cyberattacks to financial institutions; and identified the main scenarios for the development of cyberthreats and cyberattacks for the national financial system. As the main conclusion, the authors determine that further elaboration of the issues of ensuring financial institution cybersecurity in the digital economy requires justification and implementation of specific programs and activities carried out both by commercial banks within the framework of individual strategies for ensuring digital security, and by authorities and management with positions of ensuring the digital sovereignty of the state.


  • The relevance of the topic of this scientific article lies in the need for a theoretical and practical study of the problem of escalating numbers and quality of cyber threats and attacks committed against institutions of the Russian financial system, implying their safe and sustainable development being ensured in Industry 4.0

  • The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of cyberthreats facing the national financial system of the Russian Federation in the context of economy digitalization

  • In the process of research, the authors relied on general scientific methods, specific scientific methods, and the foresight method

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Зарубежные авторы

Кибертерроризм — анонимное несанкционированное проникновение в частную или публичную (государственную) информационную инфраструктуру с целью нанесения какого-либо ущерба или ее разрушения. Кибервойна — эволюционно новый этап реализации военных интересов государства путем перевода традиционных военных операций в цифровое (виртуальное) пространство с привлечением частных высокотехнологичных бизнесов и специалистов в области несанкционированного доступа в информационные системы (хакеров). Кибервойна — это санкционированное государством вторжение в информационное пространство другого политического субъекта с целью нанесения ему материального ущерба или установления контроля за подчиняющимися ему объектами инфраструктуры, а также отдельными институтами (например, банками, фондовыми биржами). Кибертерроризм — реализуемые частными лицами, или группами, или отдельными бизнесами анонимные атаки на объекты инфраструктуры, финансовые институты или гражданских лиц преимущественно с целью получения материальной выгоды. Кибертерроризм — противоправная атака или угроза атаки на информационнокомпьютерные системы частных или публичных лиц с целью получения материальной выгоды или принуждения атакуемых лиц к совершению определенных действий (бездействия)

Отечественные авторы
Продажа хакерских инструментов с открытым кодом
Показатели защищенности институтов национальной финансовой системы
Сценарий активной киберинтервенции в финансовую систему РФ
Сценарий использования мягкой силы технологического превосходства
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