
Mental maps are considered as an effective educational technology for the development of information and legal competence of a person. It is noted that the conditions for the intensive development of the legislative and legal sphere of society and its informatization necessitate the modernization of the education system, partial automation becomes a necessary condition for the successful functioning of organizations and institutions in all spheres of society. The characteristics of the technologies of social and cultural activities, which are aimed at identifying the specifics of a practice-oriented pedagogical system of education, are given. The leading principles of the organization of the pedagogical process are substantiated, among which is the principle of leisure self-organization, determined by the need of the individual to obtain the necessary information and legal knowledge for the implementation of professional activities through the integration of the individual into educational initiatives that contribute to its harmonious development and self-improvement in their free time from learning. The specifics of the development of the information and legal competence of the individual based on the use of modern educational technologies (compilation of mental maps), Internet resources based on the legal framework of the Russian Federation are revealed. Particular attention is paid to the justification of the technological approach to the use of mental maps to enhance professional self-development in the context of extracurricular work. The stages of creating mental maps, the structure and styles of their design are characterized. The interactivity and the possibility of adapting the educational material by the students, taking into account their training, are determined.

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