
The article reveals the ways of forming high school pupils’ conscious attitude to the health, in it the analysis of the research has been done, the essence of the interpretation of the concept «health» which is the key category providing the productivity of a person’s life has been justified. The author affirms that for the research motor activity, healthy lifestyle, physical culture and health education, valeological literacy, psychological attitudes etc. have become the leading factors determining the health of student youth. Physical education and valeological literacy should be considered comprehensively as the way of providing information, teaching methods, techniques, healthy lifestyle skills, education in the spirit of unconditional priority of values of individual health and health of others in all its manifestations and spheres. Widespread using of the health-improving effect of physical training for harmonious development of physical and mental capabilities of the pupil’s personality is considered by the author as an effective direction of forming a conscious attitude to his health. It gives pupils a free choice of physical activity in different directions, belief in their own physical capabilities based on the assimilation of a new variety of information in the form of motor skills and emotional pleasure. The article emphasizes that the regulation of motor activity in physical education classes acquires the model of personality-oriented physical education, which provides the possibility of differential influence on the development of physical qualitiesand implements the health function of different in volume and intensity physical activities. That is why the involvement of high school pupils in various types of physicalculture and health activities should be based on the principle of free choice, voluntary participation, stimulating activity to independent training etc. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the formation of a conscious attitude to the health should be considered in the context of motivating student youth for a healthy lifestyle and it means the activation of physical activity, rational use of free time for active recreation etc. Giving high school students theoretical knowledge about the implementation of adequate self-assessment and self-regulation of their health and physical fitness as the prerequisite for the working-out of the self-development and self-improvement program is the leading direction of solving the above-mentioned problem.

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