
Purpose. To develop a methodology for calculating the rational parameters for walling development waies, taking into account changes in the stress state of the massif in the unloading zones of the drawn stopes of the first and second stages of mining. Methodology. To determine the patterns of stress distribution around the fringedrifts of the lying and hanging walls, located at different distances from the contact of the host rocks with the ore deposit, an integrated approach was used, including the analysis and generalization of previous studies, analytical studies of the stress-strain state of the rock mass around development waies, using the energy method and statistical data processing. Results. Studies of changes in the stability of walling development waies in the zones of influence of drawn stopes of the first and second stages of mining made it possible to establish that the stability of fringedrifts is influenced by radial stresses that arise around the drawn stopes. This necessitates taking into account the nature and degree of tension of the rock mass in the zone of unloading drawn stopes, in the process of choosing the type of support for preparatory fringedrifts, the service life of which is equal to the time of mining ore reserves in the level. At the same time, empirical formulas for calculating the magnitude of destruction of a rock mass in the roof of fringedrifts of the lying and hanging walls were obtained. On the basis of which a method for calculating the parameters of the roof bolting of walling development waies has been developed. Scientific novelty. The dependences of the magnitude of the destruction of the rock mass in the roof of the fringedrifts of the hanging and lying walls, depending on the distance to the contour of the ore deposit, the depth of the fringedrifts, and the uniaxial compression strength of the rocks, have been established. Practical implication. A method has been developed for calculating the parameters of the roof bolting of development waies, taking into account the change in the stress state of the array of drawn stopes of the first and second stages of mining. Keywords: iron ore, development way, rock pressure, roof bolting, stress-strain state, drawn stope.

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