
This paper is devoted to the aspects of readers’ perception and associative fullness of S.D. Krzhizhanovsky’s game (“bizarre”) word. The data were collected through a chain-like association experiment. The tasks for the experiment were based on the titles of S.D. Krzhizhanovsky’s novels, which represent the author’s idiostyle and are aimed to enhance the variety of the readers’ feedback in the process of exposure to the stimuli. The test subjects were asked to write association chains for the title and compose a small text using the words from one of these chains. For this article, the scope of the study was limited to the results of the interpretation of the stimulus “Stravaging ‘Strange’”. The main strategies for building the association chains could be narrowed down to three types: reaction only to a part of the title, without recognition of the full game potential; reaction to the stimulus’ game potential; reaction actualizing individual ideas of the recipient that cannot be traced back to the initial stimulus. The obtained results require further examination in order to study the full range of the reactions acquired in the experiment, for example, the analysis of the structure of association chains and characteristics of the semantic groups that were used. Those findings could become the foundation for the methodology of studying literary text with acknowledgement of psychological reality perception.

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