
The article examines phonetic isoglosses in the speech of Circassian repatriates living in the Ka-bardino-Balkarian Republic in comparison with the literary Kabardino-Circassian language. The study of the speech of Circassian repatriates from Syria and Turkey is of scientific interest not on-ly for linguists but also for historians and ethnographers. It appears that archaic forms of some consonants maintained in the dialects and dialects of the literary Kabardino-Circassian language are seen in the speech of representatives of Circassian repatriates. It is noted that negations are expressed using negative affixes –I/ –k as synonyms, and the statement is a morpheme–c; the pro-cess of affrication of palatalized posterior consonants is not yet complete, soft hissing spirants f and w are frequently heard in speech, etc. Some vocalism system anomalies are observed in repat-riates’ speech. It is concluded that Circassian repatriates in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic speak with a variety of phonetic traits.

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